Shampoo : Silly Shampoo! Forget to find out where water is! Nevermind. We 
          search every room! Be quiet!

The two shadowy figures run off in different directions, before Ryoga's 
figure turns around to follow Shampoo's. Meanwhile, the scene changes to a 
corridor, where the newly made friends walk down a corridor, fresh from a
good, hot, bath. The two reach the living room, where the rest are seated.
There are two empty spaces at the table. Just then, Shiyoru spots Happosai, 
just back from his panty raids, and gorging himself at the table.

Shiyoru : (To Ranma) Who's that old guy?
Ranma : Oh, him? He's the world's most perverted sex maniac alive. We call 
        him Happosai.
Shiyoru : Happosai eh? 

Shiyoru spots the bag Happosai has left at his side, and its contents.

Shiyoru : I'm inclined to believe you.
Ranma : Just wait and see.

The two reach the table and sit down to eat. Happosai looks up at Shiyoru, 
casting a critical eye over him.

Happosai : He's the new student you've been talking about, Soun?
Soun : (Sweating.) Ye...yes master.

Huffing at the newcomer, Happosai sneers.

Happosai : Looks weak if you ask me.

Shiyoru looks extremely offended at Happosai's comment.

Shiyoru : Weak? Well, look at the dried PRUNE talking!

Gets an approving glance from Ranma, shocked looks from the Tendous. 
Happosai looks VERY offended.

Happosai : Prune!? Me!? I'm going to teach you a lesson, boy! Watch!

Happosai leaps over to Shiyoru, who tries to uppercut him out of the sky. Happosai places his pipe on Shiyoru's wrist, but Shiyoru shows that blinding speed again, grabbing the pipe, twisting it around, placing it on Happosai's wrist and tossing HIM out the ceiling. To add insult to injury, Shiyoru gives Happosai a less weakening blast of his chi, sending a burning Happosai smoking off into the great unknown. Soun and Genma exchange looks.

Soun : (To Genma) Hey, Genma. If this guy keeps it up, I'll pass the Dojo 
       over to him instead!
Genma : NO WAY! At least let me have a share! We agreed, remember!?
Soun : Well, if he doesn't stay and marry, you can have it!
Genma : Remember out agreement? No change!

While the two are arguing, the rest of the people have gone back to their dinner. Ranma nudges Shiyoru. He finishes a mouthful of rice and looks at Ranma with a questioning glance.

Ranma : Shiyoru.... your speed.... how'd you become so fast...?
Shiyoru : Fast? Oh, that! Erm... how do I explain...? Let's say... it's 
	    related to Chi.

Looking at Shiyoru, Ranma puts on a joking face.

Ranma : Chi? That good? Who was your master anyway? Herb? (Says the final         
        name jokingly.)

Shiyoru looks very surprised at Ranma's correct guess.

Shiyoru : Herb!? (Surprised) How'd you guess!? (A little too loudly.)

Akane, Soun and Genma look at Shioyru in stark astonishment. Ranma chokes on his rice. They look at him as if he were mad. Shiyoru looks strangely at
them, wondering what's it about Herb they know about.

Akane & Ranma : Herb? How'd you get Herb to be your master!?

Shiyoru considers and ponders this as he searches for an answer. He comes up
with one soon enough.

Shiyoru : Call it luck. Met her in China. That tiger-boy... Lime was it? Was           
          sneaking looks at Herb's.... attributes, then stupidly ran into a           
          rock face in a turn on the mountain path they were taking... at           
          least, that's what Herb told me.

Ranma looks surprised at Shiyoru's mention of Herb being a "her".

Ranma : Her? Mountain? What was Herb doing there?

Shiyoru looks irritated at the distraction.

Shiyoru : Let me finish. Anyway, Lime then punched the wall in irritation.                     
          The resulting stone avalanche had so many boulders falling even           
          Herb couldn't destroy them all. I was up on that mountain resting
	    after some Chi skills my first master taught me. Lime's punch 
	    was so strong, I felt the vibrations in the mountainside. Saw
	    Herb, thought I'd help. 	

Ranma and Akane look disbelievingly at Shiyoru, not knowing whether to
believe his words.

Ranma : How'd you avoid the boulders? How'd you help Herb?

Shiyoru shrugs, showing his unclarity on the issue so long ago.

Shiyoru : As I said, I was training with my first Master at that time, and
          on a solitary training trip to that mountain. I was still 
	    perfecting a rudimentary Chi projectile my Master taught me.
Ranma : How'd you manage to help them?
Shiyoru : Hm.... let me see... I ran down towards the three people, I 
	    reached there just in time to see a gigantic boulder coming up
	    behind Herb, who was busy taking care of the other ones. I blasted
	    the boulder and deflected it. Then I went to help her blast the

Shiyoru looks proud as he says this. Ranma shakes his head.

Ranma : Unbelievable. 
Shiyoru : Hey, I know it is unbelievable, but I didn't say how long the
	    avalance lasted!
Ranma : And... what about Herb being your master?
Shiyoru : Well, let's see.... Herb was grateful enough for that giant
	    boulder and offered to help me improve some chi skills... in 
	    return for my help and a little info on somthing called KaiShui 

Memory flashback to that massive battle for KaiShui Fuu, the magical hot 
water teapot Herb was looking for. Ranma shudders at that thought.

Ranma : He... just took you in like that?
Shiyoru : He?
Ranma : Don't tell me you didn't know Herb was... male? Was cursed? 
Shiyoru : Jusenkyo? I never found out.... strange. Anyway, Herb offered me 
	    training in return for that rescue... I accepted of course, but 
	    she was almost laughing at the fact that I was merely 10.
Ranma & Akane : 10. 10!? 10!!!???
Shiyoru : Don't ask me! She just offered it to me, or else forget the deal.

Ranma and Akane both share a bewildered look. Then they shake their heads in 

Ranma : We didn't mean the offer.... your age! When did you start martial
	  arts training...? Did you go with anyone?

Shiyoru suddenly jerks at that question. He looks a little sad, and as he
speaks, his eyes lose focus, like as if he was remembering something many
years ago.

Shiyoru : 6. My family sent me off at 6...
Akane : 6!? You were that young, and...
Shiyoru : By myself.

The whole family looks a little surprised.

Ranma & Akane : BY YOURSELF!? 

Just then  a resounding crash comes from the corridor. Heads turn towards the sound. Soun looks shocked.

Soun : Someone's in my house! Ranma, Akane, go see what's going on!

Shiyoru, Ranma and Akane take off towards the sound. Genma and Soun look at each other.

Genma : Shall we go?
Soun : Nah, let the kids handle it. Nothing they can't handle.

Three pairs of pounding feet cross the camera. It pans up to show Ranma, Akane and Shiyoru running. Ranma suddenly notices something, and turns to 
look at Shiyoru.

Ranma : Huh? Shiyoru? What are YOU doing here?

Looking back at Ranma and grinning, Shiyoru speaks quickly.

Shiyoru : Hey, I'm staying here right? Might as well stop the intruders 
          before they rob it blind.
Akane : Over there! The sound's from your room, Shiyoru!

Shiyoru looks shocked for a moment. A "bolt" goes through his head.

Shiyoru : Oh no... that purple-haired girl...

Memory flash back to when Shampoo showed that unusual interest in the water.
Ranma and Akane look at each other as they remember something as well.

Akane & Ranma : Girl? Purple hair!? SHAMPOO!

The trio turn into the room. Ryoga and Shampoo are inside ransacking the place. Ryoga suddenly holds up two flasks.

Ryoga : I got them!

A blur. The flasks disappear. Ryoga and Shampoo turn around to see the three people standing there. Shiyoru has the flasks in his hands.

Shampoo : So, you here. Give Shampoo water, you no hurt. Shampoo want water 
	    to change back to normal girl so can have Ranma!
Ryoga : I want that water too!

Just then, a metal claw flies through the ceiling connected to a chain. It strikes the ground in front of Shiyoru. Mousse flies through the roof.

Mousse : (Pointing to Ryoga.) You! Give me the water!
Ryoga & Shiyoru : (Bonking Mousse on the head.) Hey! Who're you talking to!?

Shampoo steps in front of Mousse and Ryoga. 

Shampoo : No matter! We want water! We fight if we need!

Shiyoru smiles so evilly that all of them are unnerved.

Shiyoru : Water? What's the matter with you all? Cursed? Anyway... if you 
          want them, try. Ranma, Akane, get back. This fight's going to get 
          ugly. I mean it.

Shiyoru gives his most evil smile. Shampoo and Ryoga crack knuckles. Mousse gets his glasses on.

Ryoga, Shampoo & Mousse : We'll do anything for that water. Come on!
Shiyoru : You wished.

The three leap towards him in anticipation of a fight. Ranma and Akane look
ready to defend themselves if needed.

Shiyoru : "Shotenno gawa Chikara!" (Dragon's Burning Power)

Shiyoru suddenly bursts into a chi flame aura, reddish and appearing to burn on his body. All three fly back. They get up again, looking a little shocked, but then grow confident again as they see Ranma and Akane back off, heeding his warning. Shiyoru's eyes are glowing an unnatural white-red.

Shiyoru : I'll use only one hand to give you a chance....

Ranma muses : "NOW I know what he was holding back."

Shiyoru turns around at Ranma's musing, and smiles.

Shiyoru : Ranma, I know what you're thinking. This is a little trick I           
          learned. I know what you want, I'll teach this to you later! Go
	    get Soun and the others! I'll be fine!

The trio of robbers prepare themselves. Shiyoru looks on, unconcerned.

Shiyoru : Get ready for the fight of your lives, strangers. You'll wish you 
          never did.

{The 1st battle. The Curse. Shiyoru's misery.}

As Ranma and Akane run off to fetch their parents, Shiyoru looks at the trio
of robbers. Ryoga, Mousse and Shampoo look determined to get the waters of
Jusenkyo to cure themselves, and ignore Shiyoru's intimidating Combat 
Manifest aura.
Mousse strikes first, sending an army of shurikens, throwing daggers and a
big sabre at Shiyoru from his sleeves. Deftly leaping to avoid the 
projectiles, Shiyoru intercepts the sabre, and CRUSHES it in his burning
hand. Mousse pulls back, shocked. Ryoga doesn't care, and decides to go 
He runs towards Shiyoru, screaming his war cry, fist extended. Shiyoru steps
aside, grabs Ryoga's hand, and swings him around to go flying towards Mousse
and Shampoo. Ryoga slams headfirst into the floor, but gets up again, 
waiting for another chance to attack.
Shampoo decides to try to take out Shiyoru herself, and sprints towards
Shiyoru with her pair of Bonbouries. Shiyoru intercepts her first strike, 
and breaks the handle off the mace. While Shampoo is still unable to
comprehend her first weapon's loss, he grabs the other bonbouri out of her
hand and snaps it in two places. Shampoo retreats for tactical thinking.
Shiyoru looks at the three, assembled in a triangle around him, and is still
holding the two flasks in one hand.

Shiyoru : Had enough?
Ryoga & Mousse : For Shampoo/Akane, I'll never give up!
Shampoo : For Ranma, Shampoo no give up!
Shiyoru : It'll be your graves.

The three come in at once. Deftly "dancing" around the three, Shiyoru avoids
the many punches, kicks, and weapons coming his way, blocking a punch or
kick here and there. As he punches or kicks, part of his chi aura actually
manifests itself on his striking limb to appear like a dragon's claw or 
mouth open and ready to strike.
Shampoo tries to take advantage of a strong roundhouse kick Ryoga sent to
Shiyoru, who parried it, by trying some accupressure, but Shiyoru turns
barely in time, and vanishes. Shampoo then goes down, blank eyed and a dozen
finger marks on her head and body, as Shiyoru reappears behind her.
Mousse looks at Shampoo going down, and angry now, tosses a bola net towards
Shiyoru, which is easily leapt. However, Ryoga is on the other side, and
takes the bola net meant for Shiyoru. He hits the floor, legs and arms
bound in the net.
Mousse looks happy at the prospect of having the competition gone.

Mousse : Now, I can have that water for myself!
Shiyoru : Not so easy!

Mousse launches a dozen blades at Shiyoru, who is dodging and intercepting
any projectiles coming his way. However, Mousse just sent 1,049 projectiles
his way, (Mousse's entire robe's worth of projectiles) and as Shiyoru is
busy keeping even ONE of them from hitting him, Mousse sends a giant metal
mace, which smacks Shiyoru neatly in the back of his head. 
His last thought before blacking out :

Shiyoru : DAMN!! How could I be so damned careless!

Shiyoru hits the floor, his chi extinguished, but as he falls, the flasks 
fly out of his grasp. A few of the daggers Mousse tossed hit the flasks, 
cutting them wide open. Spilling their contents, the Nannichuan flask 
splashes its contents harmlessly off a wall, as the dagger that slashed it 
deflects its path, but Shiyoru takes an entire faceful of Niangnichuan water 
after he hits the floor, still unconscious. Shocked and speechless, Mousse 
looks dumbfounded at his doings. Ryoga has been watching the match as well, 
and is equally shocked, and both are staring at the wet patch on the wall 
that was the Nannichuan water.

Ryoga & Mousse : The Nannichuan water.... gone!

Just then, Ranma and Akane come running in, with their parents.

Ranma : Ah! I knew we shouldn't have left him....

Ranma looks at prone and still form of Shiyoru. His jaw drops, and his 
posture slackens. Akane catches her breath and gasps. They look at the 
combat scene.

Akane : Wha.... Mousse..?

Mousse looks at the newcomers. He cries. He runs out between Ranma and 
Akane, leaving them to the scene. Soun looks over Ranma's shoulder.

Soun : So, have you.... wha?

Looking at the scene, Soun and Genma drop their jaws. Kasumi comes over and looks at the scene.

Kasumi : My goodness! What happened?
Ranma : I'll guess a bad accident. Wait a minute, Ryoga's here. Let's ask         

Looking at the struggling Ryoga, baring his teeth.

Ryoga : Let me go! 
Ranma : Only if you tell us what happened.
Ryoga : NO!

Akane looks at Ryoga with pleading eyes.

Akane : Please, Ryoga.

Ryoga is stunned at Akane's pleading tone, the tear filled, puppy dog eyes. He makes up his mind immediately.

Ryoga : (Thinking.) For Akane... anything!
Ryoga : Alright, I will. But let me go.

The scene blacks out. Viewpoint changes to Shiyoru's point of view. Slowly opening, there is a hazy aura around everything "she" sees. Hears voices as she recovers consciousness.

Ryoga : So, that was...
Kasumi : Hold on! I think she's coming around!
Ranma : About time. Now if only Shampoo would wake up!
Akane : Ranma! (With some irritation.) 

Shiyoru sits up, seeing the entire family surrounding her. She rubs her bruise. It is still night on the same day. But much later.

Shiyoru (C) : Oh... my head...

Hearing her own voice, she clutches her throat, rubs it, tries again.

Shiyoru (C) : What... my voice!?

Sighing at the grim job ahead, Ranma asks Shiyoru.

Ranma : All right, do you want to hear it from Ryoga or me?

Shaking her head, Shiyoru mutters,

Shiyoru (C) : Either.....

Shiyoru starts think, before Ranma and Ryoga agree who's going to tell. Then
rubbing her head looking down, she sees a pair of breasts. Looks at her 
hands. (His hands look different, in this case. Some people have their mom's 
hands.) A look of utter shock crosses her face. Ranma and Ryoga look 
relieved Shiyoru's discovered it by herself.

Shiyoru (C) : No! This can't be!
Ranma : We've been saved the trouble. Don't worry about your curse. We got         
        used to it. You will too. Right, Ryoga?
Ryoga : What do you mean? (Very, Very threateningly.)
Shiyoru (C) : ah.... what.....

However, Shiyoru fails to catch that previous line about "we" being cursed.

Akane : Enough guys, don't argue!
Kasumi : Yes, please.
Shiyoru (C) : Oh my......
Soun : I think Shiyoru's going to need time to get used to this, come on, 
       let's leave her alone....
Ranma : What about Shampoo? She's still in the living room, goodness knows 
        what happened to her.

Shaken out of her momentary confusion, Shiyoru looks at Ranma questioningly.

Shiyoru (C) : Shampoo? That purple-haired girl?
Ranma : Yes....
Shiyoru (C) : She'll wake if you'll excuse me, please leave...
Soun : Come on, girls. (He smiles, patting their shoulders.)

Shiyoru notes this fatherly action, a memory set off in her head. They 
leave, Akane gives Shiyoru a final glance of sympathy, then leaves. Shiyoru 
makes sure everyone is gone, then closes the door. Tears form around her 
eyes. She cries, softly. Akane, ever the concerned one, was standing outside 
her door, and hears Shiyoru's crying. She stays outside however, in 
politeness. This is quite unexpected of a so-called "tough guy".
The memory set off in Shiyoru's head was that of his family. As he's trying
to get used to his now female body, he thinks about that day, that event
that caused him to "lose" his family, and end up with this curse.

(Memory flashback to that day.)

Shiyoru's father is seen holding his son's hand in a martial arts exhibition staged in Singapore.

Father : Now, son, I want you to see how these great men fight.
Shiyoru : Must I dad? I wanna look at the toys...
Father : Yes, son, you must.

The two jostle their way to the front, with 5 year old Shiyoru looking on at the men garbed in traditional 
chinese martial arts attire. The show starts. Moves, tricks and stunts are performed by the  men performing their 
art. Shiyoru stares dumbfounded and in awe of their fighting prowess.

Shiyoru : Wow papa, I didn't know martial arts were so great!
Father : Now you know son, why I was a martial artist. It is the thrill and honor of the fight.

Shiyoru beams a brilliant smile at his father.

Shiyoru : Then I want to be better than you! (This was that sentence that changed his life.)

Back home. A month later, Shiyoru's mother comes back from her shopping trip.

Mother : Son, I'm goodness....!

An incredible scene unfolds before the screen. A veritable dojo was set up in the living room of Shiyoru's lonely 
house in Singapore. Makeshift straw dummies and other implements are strewn about the place. Shiyoru is seen 
wearing a bandanna and makeshift wristbands. He turns around and sees his mother. He blushes.

Shiyoru : Sorry, mother....
Mother : Shiyoru, who encouraged you to do this? Was it dad?
Shiyoru : No mama, I... took it upon myself...
Mother : Like father like son. Looks like you're quite good....

Indicating a broken brick there, a shredded dummy here, various other knickknacks here and there.

Mother : Looks like our gifted son's going to be a fine martial artist one day.

Just then, Shiyoru's father comes home behind his mother.

Father : Son! What is this...?
Shiyoru : Erm....
Father : Don't explain. I know already. You're quite good!
Shiyoru : Huh?
Father : I mean your fighting prowess! At such a young age too...

Father sniffs a little. Shiyoru looks on, confused.

Father : Shiyoru, be prepared. I want you to be ready for the journey of your life.
Shiyoru : Da... dad?
Father : I'll explain it to you son.... 

They pack up the room. Screen blacks out and comes in again showing scenes of Shiyoru's father teaching him the basics. His father is proud of such a gifted and intelligent young boy. The scene changes to show them sitting on a couch, Shiyoru's father telling him about the journey ahead.

Father : Now son, this is important. Please understand, we're doing this for you.
Shiyoru : Yes papa.
Father : You will leave for your journey next year. I have arranged for a good friend of mine in China to take                                       
                you in. You will study for 4 years under him. Understand?
Shiyoru : Yes father.
Father : From then on, you shall find your own masters, but do remember to practice. But finally, I have a friend      
                of a friend, he is Soun Tendou. I want you to go to his dojo when you are old enough.
Shiyoru : How old is old enough?
Father : You will find out.

The next year.... at the house, before Shiyoru leaves, he is saying goodbye to his family.

Mother : Oh, yes, son! Don't forget this...

She holds out that card for Shiyoru, who sticks it in his pocket.

Mother : This is for your monetary needs. Don't be afraid to use it, but don't lose it.
Shiyoru : Yes, mother. I promise.

Then to his father, Shiyoru smiles.

Shiyoru : Father, I'll make you proud! I'll be the BEST Son you've ever had!
Father : I know, my boy.

Scene shows  Shiyoru carrying a small backpack, at an airport, his family waving him goodbyes. Shiyoru is too young to understand loneliness without a family then. Shows a plane reaching China's airport. An elderly man is waiting for Shiyoru, with his father accompanying him. The two exchange greetings, then looks at Shiyoru.

Man : Shiyoru? Is that you?
Shiyoru : Who are you?
Man : I'm your father's friend. Come, we have much to learn.
Father : It's all right son, you can go.
Man : Come on, Shiyoru-chan.
Shiyoru : (Smiling beautifically) Ok, uncle!

Shows the two leaving. Scenes of their training up to the day Shiyoru leaves.

Man : Well then, my student. You have done well and surpassed me in all aspects! You must now find another            
           master, for I cannot provide for you anymore.
Shiyoru : Yes, master.

Shows Shiyoru leaving. Screen floats back to present time, where Shiyoru in his cursed form is shedding tears. 
She is curled up with her knees to her chest and arms crossed over legs. Shuddering with tears, she starts to 
mutter something that's been in her head since she was 10. (Is this unexpected, that Shiyoru would cry?)

The Misery of Having No Family.
|I was born in the life of a family,                    |
|Wishing I were still,   			            |
|But I was dragged into a life of martial arts,  |
|Unknowingly of my own device...	            |
|My life has always been on the go,	            |
|Never stopping, never pausing so...	            |
|"What is happening to me? 		            |
| Why can't I let it go?"		            |	
|I wish I were still  in my family,	            |	
|I wish this were one big dream,                      |	
|But when I pinch myself again,	            |
|I never wake up from this scene...	            |
|"I want to return to my home,		            |
| I want to fight no more.	                        |
| I wish I hadn't known, 		            |
| This cursed lore."            		            |
|Years I have spent, away from my home,        |
|Longing once again for,		            |
|The love I need, so much more......	            |
|I wish I were home.			            |

Shiyoru : How am I to face them now? I can't face my family like this, both boy and girl! What about my promise
	  to be the best SON my father ever had!?

To Yin and Yang, part 3
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